

英漢字典: write down

1. depreciate or disparage by writing;play down in writing 寫文章貶低或詆毀;把…寫得不重要

    They tried in vain to write down the movement. 他們試圖寫文章詆毀這個運動,可是枉費心機。

    The critics wrote down the play and it was withdrawn. 評論家們貶低這個戲劇,它被停演了。

2. describe;regard 描述;看作

    They seem to have written him down as a fool. 他們似乎把他寫成了一個傻瓜。

3. reduce the book value of 減低…的帳面價值

    These shares should be written down,as we want to attract more buying at present. 既然我們目前想吸引更多的人買進這些股票,就應該降低它的票面價格。

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